MSI Reproductive Choices

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Everyone should have the power to choose their own future, on their terms.

But without access to reproductive choice, millions of women around the world are denied that freedom.

MSI fights for a future where everyone can access contraception and abortion.

When we choose choice, the whole world wins.

Life-saving healthcare

Life-saving healthcare

Providing contraception and safe abortion services so people can choose their own futures.

Gender equality

Advancing gender equality

Advancing gender equality by empowering women with reproductive choice. 

Young people's futures

Young people’s futures

Helping young people stay in school and determine their own paths.

Support in a crisis

Support in a crisis

Working in crisis and humanitarian settings to protect women’s healthcare.

The latest

8 May 2024

Briefing: Choice on the Ballot

2024 is the biggest election year in history and reproductive rights hang in the balance.

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25 September 2024

Abortion Care: Frontline to Future report

A new report on what MSI has learned from providing abortion and how we can work together to end unsafe abortion by 2030.

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15 July 2024

Annual Review 2023

In 2023, MSI supported 23 million women with choices on their own healthcare and futures. Read inspiring stories from across the globe.

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A Service Provider, talks to a group of women at Nampundwe Health Centre.

24 November 2023

How splitting our rural outreach teams in half grew our impact by 420% 

MSI Zambia shares their new outreach model.

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12 October 2023

YouGov survey finds nearly 90% of Britons support abortion

Britain is a pro-choice nation, new survey finds.

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10 October 2023

Working with religious leaders to expand reproductive choice

Key to reaching people with sexual and reproductive healthcare.

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Contraception helps you to plan your life. It helps you get to where you want to be.

Abida, MSI client

MSI Ghana - Eden Sparke - May 2023
MSI Client quote

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