Media Centre
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
MSI is a global voice on reproductive choice, abortion, contraception, women’s rights and equality.
Our media team is available 24/7 for comments, interviews, and information. We work across the world and often have experts on the ground as news breaks.
Journalists can email or contact the media team on +44 (0)7769 166 516 (including out-of-hours).
Please note that the MSI press office only deals with enquiries from the media.
If you are seeking abortion services in the UK, please visit msichoices.org.uk or call our UK contact centre on 0345 300 8090. If you’re seeking services outside of the UK, please find the contact details for all our services on our Contact Us page.

More on MSI Reproductive Choices
Find out more about MSI’s global services and insights.

Making choice possible
Last year, MSI supported 23 million women with sexual and reproductive healthcare. Read frontline stories from those who made this possible in our annual review.

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