Fundraise for MSI
There are a range of ways you can support reproductive choice globally, whether through fundraising or making a donation to MSI.
No matter which method you choose, your donation and support will help women all over the world to make choices over their bodies and their futures – and that benefits all of us.
You can use JustGiving to donate via PayPal, credit card or to fundraise for us. Visit our JustGiving page for more information.
Savoo is an online fundraising website where you can raise money for MSI simply by shopping or searching online. Every time you use Savoo’s search engine or one of their voucher codes, Savoo will donate 1p to us. Visit their website to get started.
More ways to support us
Information on how to support us in a range of other ways.
Making choice possible
Last year, MSI supported 21.1 million people with sexual and reproductive healthcare. Read frontline stories from those who made this possible in our annual review.
Donate to make choice possible
Last year we supported more that 80,000 people with their reproductive choices every day. Donate to support women and girls to have control over their bodies and futures.
Sign up to stay in the know
Sign up to MSI’s newsletter to remain to up-to-date on our campaigns, news and insights on all things sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Partner with us
Together, we can support young people to make choices about their bodies and their futures and help build a more gender equal world. Get in touch to discuss how.