Defend the right to choose. Donate now.

Choose choice now

Trump is signing away women’s rights, voices and lives. 

Choose choice now. Donate to protect access to reproductive healthcare. 

With the stroke of a pen, Trump has reinstated the global gag rule – a policy that cuts US aid to any global organisation that provides or advocates for abortion. In doing so, he’s signed away women’s rights, voices, and lives globally.

By defunding pro-choice organisations, the gag rule strips women of access to life-saving reproductive healthcare, including contraception and cervical cancer treatment, and forces charities to be silent on abortion.

MSI will never stop fighting for the right to choose, but that decision comes at a cost. We stand to lose $14 million in US funding due to Trump’s gag rule, jeopardising frontline services for women across countries like Uganda, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe.

Without access to contraception, safe abortion and other essential reproductive care, more women will be forced down a path they didn’t choose. That means more unplanned pregnancies, and more women denied life-saving care.

By starting a regular gift today, you could help 2.6 million women take back control of their bodies and futures.

It’s time to fight back. Don’t let Trump sign away women’s reproductive rights worldwide. Choose choice now and start a regular gift today.