Your body is your business — and no one else’s.
And it’s your right to access the information you need to make decisions about your body and your future.
But after the right to abortion was removed in the United States two years ago, we’ve seen a rise in attacks on our reproductive rights worldwide – including the right to access information on our health and rights online.

Earlier this year, a report from MSI Reproductive Choices and the Centre for Countering Digital Health found that accurate information on abortion and contraception is being censored by global tech platforms, whilst anti-choice misinformation is spread unchallenged.
As a global sexual and reproductive healthcare provider, we know that for many people, searching online is their only source of information on abortion and contraception.
There are many reasons why people want to keep this search history private. Whether to avoid anti-choice ‘crisis pregnancy centre’ websites that gather data on those searching for abortion care, or partners monitoring phone use, or the cases of women who faced miscarriage and were then investigated for searching on their reproductive options.
That’s why we created the Vagina Privacy Network:
A new kind of ‘VPN’ with a step-by-step protocol for those who want to stay anonymous online — so your private parts, stay private.
We stand for the right to access information on reproductive choices.
At MSI Reproductive Choices, we believe that everyone should have the freedom to determine their own future, on their terms. And that includes the right to access accurate information on our reproductive health and options.
On the anniversary of Dobbs Vs. Jackson — the landmark case that saw the right to abortion revoked in the United States, leading to a rise in anti-choice activity globally — we’re proud to launch the Vagina Privacy Network, a project to safeguard access to information worldwide.

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Learn about MSI Reproductive Choices
Find out more about the services we provide and the power of reproductive choice:

Providing abortion care worldwide
As one of the world’s leading abortion care providers, we are proud to provide abortion services wherever the law permits.

Advocating for reproductive rights
We use our voice to fight for reproductive rights. Last year, we achieved 13 legal and policy wins that support reproductive choice.

Report on social media censorship
Meta and Google are blocking access to accurate information on abortion and reproductive health across Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Choice on the ballot in 2024
At least 64 national elections will take place around the world this year. These elections will shape reproductive rights for generations to come.