Our supporter promise
We believe that every woman and girl should be able to have children by choice, not chance. We are therefore hugely grateful to each person who has an interest in finding out more about our work and the ways in which they might support us.

We have been impacted hugely as an organisation by the re-introduction of the Mexico City Policy which has significantly affected our funding. This means that we may be unable in the short term to provide the level of services to women around the world that we have previously.
Therefore we will be more proactive here in the UK in promoting ways in which individuals, companies and charitable trusts can support our work and as such our public fundraising activities, which to date have been very limited, will increase. Therefore from time to time, we will communicate with our supporters to highlight particular campaigns where there is the opportunity to financially support our work, whether that’s through a direct donation or fundraising.
To that end we will continually review our fundraising activities to ensure that we are meeting the expectations and trust that you and other kind supporters have placed in us. And we want you to feel informed and reassured that we carry out our fundraising in an entirely responsible and ethical manner. As such we are committed to the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Practice, alongside this, our promise to you is the following.
Our promise to you
Taking care of your information and respecting your wishes (Our Privacy Policy)
We will communicate with you based on your contact preferences, which you can update at any time (email: [email protected]).
- We will keep your personal information safe and secure.
- We will be clear about how we use your contact information from the outset.
- We will never share or sell your personal information with or to other organisations, other than when we work with third parties who process activities for us, where we will securely share your data, when necessarily (e.g. to process a donation)
Using your donations wisely
When we receive donations we promise to use the money raised in the most efficient way. At Marie Stopes International we are focused on keeping an eye on every penny and pound donated to us. Thus we make sure that every gift is put to the best use around the world (see our latest Annual Report).
Our commitment to you is that we will:
- process your gift efficiently and acknowledge your support
- use your donation wisely and, if possible and practical, respect your wishes if you wish to direct it to a particular project or area of our work
- welcome you and keep you updated with information on our work so that you can see just how much impact your support is having on the women, children and communities with whom we work.
Adhering to all legislation, guidelines and standards related to our fundraising activities
We are conscious that there are, at times, changes in legislation which can affect how we might be able to fundraise and communicate with our supporters. As such we will:
- monitor all of our fundraising activities against the Code of Practice, the applicable laws on Data Protection, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, HM Revenue and Customs rules, the Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.
Getting in touch with us
If you have any questions about our fundraising activities, or if you would like to change how, or when you hear from us, please do not hesitate to contact us by:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 203 219 8127 (Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 5pm)
- Email: [email protected]
- Post: Supporter Care, MSI Reproductive Choices, 1 Conway Street, Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6LP
Please remember to include your name, address, and a contact telephone number so that we can call you if we need any more information to answer your question.
We realise that sometimes we may not get things right, thus we very much value feedback about our work. Receiving a complaint gives us the opportunity to learn and improve, and it is important that you tell us so we can deal with any situation as quickly and graciously as possible.
If you do have a complaint about our fundraising activities, please get in touch using the contact details above (in the’Getting in touch with us’ section)
The Fundraising Regulator is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising. If we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction and it is about our fundraising activities, you can ask the Fundraising Regulator to consider it. All the contact information you need to get in touch with them directly can be found on the Fundraising Regulator website.
Please note that the Fundraising Regulator can only consider complaints received within three months of the original incident you wish to complain about, or within two months of our final response to you.