Our global impact 2020

Quality   |   2 March 2021 



2020 was the year when COVID-19 swept the earth and changed the way we live our lives. But it was also a year filled with inspiring actions, resilience, and renewed commitments to women’s reproductive choice.

As we reflect on this unprecedented year, we see not only the threat that the pandemic posed, but also the innovation and progress that came with it. We see the resilience of our team members and the rapid adaptation of our programmes and partners to ensure sexual and reproductive health services remained accessible. Because of these actions, we were able to protect the majority of services, reaching almost as many women as we did in 2019.

Despite daunting projections at the beginning of the pandemic warning that up to 80% of services could be disrupted, we reached 12.8 million clients, across 34,000 sites, with high-quality sexual and reproductive health services in 2020 alone.

You can read more about the impact of our services here.



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