Charting 25 years of MSI’s programme & abortion rights in Mexico
MSI CEO Simon Cooke writes about his recent visit to the MSI Mexico programme, reflecting on abortion rights in the country.
How open dialogues are challenging harmful social norms in Kenya
Through the Youth for Health project, MSI Kenya conducts community dialogues to raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health for adolescents and challenge harmful social norms.
Mana Zita: I choose choice by advancing gender equality and inclusion
Mana Zita is a Timorese working mother who leads MSI Timor Leste’s work in gender equality and social inclusion.
Rev. Cliff: I choose choice by using my power as a religious leader
Reverend Cliff is a minister of the church, and partners with MSI Malawi to fight for reproductive rights. He shares why religious leaders have a unique power to expand access to contraception and abortion.
Mi Mi: I choose choice by providing healthcare in a humanitarian crisis
Mi Mi leads programme support for MSI Myanmar. She manages our frontline staff’s safety and ability to deliver care, which is difficult right now. Myanmar is one of nine MSI countries experiencing a humanitarian crisis.
Asma: I choose choice by ensuring it’s here for the long term
Asma is the Country Director of MSS in Pakistan. She reflects on what she’s seen change over the years, and the innovations in motion that are making reproductive choice more sustainable for the future.
Shanti: I choose choice by providing abortion
Shanti is a nurse, team leader, and abortion provider for MSI Nepal. She tells us more about what abortion care is like in Nepal, and what she hopes for the future of abortion.
Hingis & Sheila: I choose choice so I can have the future I want
Hingis and Sheila are friends who are both MSI clients and university students in Ghana. They share their hopes for the future and why they choose to use MSI’s services.
Mara: I choose choice by funding MSI so we can build a better future
Mara is a Senior Manager at the philanthropic Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, also known as CIFF. She’s worked closely with MSI since 2021. She shares her thoughts on why funding partnerships are so crucial, and her first-hand experiences of visiting MSI’s frontline programmes.
Anna: I choose choice by giving women life-changing contraception
Anna provides contraception in Sierra Leone. She’s a force of nature, well known across the country for changing lives. She shares her story, and why she’s proud to provide contraception.