Listening to our clients: using feedback to improve the delivery of client-centred sexual and reproductive healthcare
MSI’s global client feedback toolkit: An innovative and inclusive solution for understanding and responding to client healthcare experiences.
5 Essentials to Safely Self-Manage a Medical Abortion
Self-management of medical abortion can be a powerful tool for expanding access to safe abortion. In this blog, we share five key insights informed by our work around the world on how to support the safe self-management of abortion.
My Body, My Voice. Let’s listen to clients on telemedicine abortion care.
One year on, we take a look at the impact that telemedicine has had across MSI’s programmes, and what the global body of evidence – and clients directly – are telling us.
Two new studies show why UK telemedicine should be made permanent
Two new studies analysing data from MSI Reproductive Choices and partners on early medical abortions have found that home-based abortion care, via telemedicine, is safe and effective and preferred by clients.
Evidence brief: Supporting self-management of MA from pharmacies
This MSI evidence brief summarises the recent learnings and practices that can help to create an enabling environment for the safe, supported self-management of medication abortion (MA) via pharmacies.
No more limits: With menstrual cups, girls can take on the world
To improve school attendance and open up conversations about reproductive health, MSI Ghana offered over 100 school children and their teachers free menstrual cups. Read why and what came out of it…
Timely access to safe abortion care is more important than ever
Supporting women with sexual and reproductive healthcare during the Covid19 crisis
Medical Abortion Provision by Pharmacies and Drug Sellers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review
Pharmacies play an important and growing role in women’s access to medical abortion. This review assesses the quality of pharmacy provision of medical abortion in low- and middle-income countries.
Meri Sathi or ‘My Friend’ in Nepali – Rekha’s story
Rekha is a call handler for MSI Nepal’s free helpline, Meri Sathi. She describes the work as breaking down barriers.
Sayana Press in the Sahel – factsheet
Marie Stopes International has been offering Sayana. Press in our service delivery channels in Burkina Faso, Niger and Senegal since May 2016. This factsheet details some of our results to date.