MSI Niger
A landlocked country that is three-quarters desert, Niger had a population of 7,220,089 in 1988 which increased to 11,060,291 in 2001 (Annuaire statistique des 50 ans d’indépendance du Niger, 2010) and 17,138,707 in 2012 with an average annual intercensal growth rate of around 3.9%.
It was in this context that MSI launched a programme in Niger in 2014 upon the invitation of the Government of Niger to support it in the implementation of the Family Planning repositioning plan to provide modern contraceptive services for the benefit of urban, peri-urban and rural communities.
Since then, MSI Niger has become one of the main providers of sexual and reproductive health care in the country, working in 6 of the 8 regions (Dosso, Maradi, Niamey, Tahoua, Tillabéri and Zinder). To strengthen its foothold, the programme adapts its strategy to each region, with the priority of providing healthcare where Niger’s women and girls need it most.
Through 8 mobile teams, 14 MS Ladies, 78 PSS sites, 2 doctors’ surgeries and a free call centre, MSI, in partnership with the public sector, provides training and support to healthcare providers and brings the most vulnerable and disadvantaged populations access and equity to the family planning methods of their choice and other reproductive health services.
MSI Niger also works in collaboration with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) through advocacy to help improve the enabling environment for vulnerable people to access SRH information and services, to help increase and secure the level of funding for health, particularly sexual and reproductive health, etc.
Contact us
Contact our Niger support office to talk about our work.
Marie Stopes Niger
Quartier Plateau
Boulevard Mali Bero
Rue Issa Berie
BP 12312
Tel: +227 20 72 37 48
Looking for services
Looking for services in Niger? Use the contacts below to speak to our advisers.
Tel: +227 91 72 08 83